Andaman & Nicobar Islands- Andaman Pyinma

Common Name: Crape myrtle
Scientific Name: Lagerstroemia hypoleuca
Description: The Pynima tree’s blossom has been designated as the Andaman and Nicobar Islands’ state flower. Pynima is a medium- to large-sized tree that grows in the moist deciduous forests on our islands. Its flowers are lilac in color and arranged in pyramidal bunches. It is extremely common in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and is native to the islands. Summertime blooms that are vibrant and long-lasting are the main attraction of Crape Myrtles. Due to their annual bark shedding, the majority of Lagerstroemia species have sinewy, fluted stems and branches that have a mottled look.
Uses: In their respective climates, both subtropical and tropical species are common in domestic and commercial landscapes. The timber of some species has been used to manufacture bridges, furniture, and railway sleepers.