World For Nature

Blond Capped Langur

Blond Capped Langur

Blond capped langur

Physical Characteristics:

  • Medium-sized primate with a slender build.
  • Coat color ranges from golden blonde to pale yellow.
  • Darker face with distinct light-colored markings around the eyes.
  • Long tail that is often longer than the body.


  • Found in northeastern India (Assam, Arunachal Pradesh), Bhutan, and Myanmar.


  • Inhabits tropical and subtropical forests, often in hilly and mountainous terrain.
  • Prefers dense forests with a variety of tree species.


  • Diurnal, active during the day.
  • Lives in groups called troops, led by dominant males.
  • Social structure involves grooming and communication through vocalizations.
  • Feeds on leaves, fruits, and occasionally insects.
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