World For Nature

Golden Crested Myna

Golden Crested Myna

Golden crested myna

The beautiful yellow crest of the golden-crested mynah rests flat against its head, adorning this little bird. They have an orange beak and black wings and back. Its length is about 21.59 cm (8.5 in). Their primary diet consists of fruits and insects, though they occasionally eat small fish, birds, and lizards.

Although the number of the species’ global population is unknown, reports range from locally widespread to uncommon. The fragmentation and degradation of habitats appear to be contributing to the population decline.

Mynahs may be trained to mimic whatever sound they want, including human voices.

The word “mynah” comes from the Sanskrit word “madana,” which means “bubbles” and means joyous or delightful. The meaning of the derived word “mynah” is hence “bubbling with joy.”

Although they may exploit apertures in cliff faces, buildings, or even rooftops, mynahs prefer to make their nests in holes or tree cavities.

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