Grey Slender Loris

- Distribution: Southern India (Western Ghats), Sri Lanka
- Habitat: Tropical forests, dense vegetation
- Diet: Insectivorous, insects, small vertebrates, fruits
- Size: Height around 20-25 cm
Physical Characteristics:
- Small nocturnal primate with a slender body.
- Fur color varies from gray to reddish-brown.
- Large round eyes adapted for night vision.
- Long, thin limbs and a short tail.
- Found in southern India (Western Ghats) and Sri Lanka.
- Inhabits tropical rainforests, dry forests, and scrublands.
- Often found in dense vegetation and trees, where it moves slowly and deliberately.
- Nocturnal, active during the night.
- Solitary or found in small family groups.
- Communicates through soft calls and scent markings.
- Feeds primarily on insects, small vertebrates, and plant matter.