World For Nature

Madras Grey Langur

Madras Grey Langur

Madras Grey Langur

Physical Characteristics:

  • Medium-sized primate with a slender build.
  • Fur color varies from gray to brownish-gray.
  • Lighter face with prominent facial features.
  • Long tail that is often longer than its body.


  • Found in southern India, primarily in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and parts of Karnataka.


  • Inhabits tropical forests, including both dry deciduous forests and scrublands.
  • Often found in urban areas, temples, and villages.


  • Diurnal, active during the day.
  • Lives in large troops, which can consist of several hundred individuals.
  • Social structure involves grooming and hierarchical dominance.
  • Omnivorous diet includes leaves, fruits, seeds, and human food scraps.
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