World For Nature

Northern Pig Tailed Macaque

Northern Pig Tailed Macaque

Northern Pig Tailed Macaque

Physical Characteristics:

  • Medium-sized primate with a robust build.
  • Fur color varies from dark brown to grayish-brown.
  • Prominent facial features with a short tail.


  • Found in Southeast Asia, including India, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, and parts of Myanmar and Vietnam.


  • Prefers tropical rainforests, mangrove forests, and riverine habitats.
  • Also found in secondary forests and human-modified landscapes.


  • Diurnal, active during the day.
  • Lives in large groups called troops, which can consist of several dozen individuals.
  • Social structure involves grooming and hierarchical dominance.
  • Omnivorous diet includes fruits, seeds, leaves, insects, and occasionally small animals.
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