Odisha – Ashoka

Common Name: Ashoka
Local Name: Ashok (Bengali), Sita-Ashoka (Sanskrit)
Scientific Name: Saraca asoca
Description: The tiny, evergreen Ashoka tree can reach a height of 10 meters. The leaves of the tree grow in tight clusters and have a rich green color. The tree is renowned for its exquisite and fragrant blossoms. The blooms are big bunches that start off brilliant orange-yellow and turn scarlet before withering. The flowers signal the arrival of spring as they bloom from February to April. In India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Malaya, the Ashoka tree is found.
Uses: The Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharata both make reference to the Ashoka tree, which is of great cultural significance in the Indian Subcontinent. Gynecological issues are also treated with the bark and flowers. The tree is revered as sacred by the Hindus and Buddhists.