Palla’s Squirrel (Red Bellied Tree Squirrel)

- Distribution: Sub-Saharan Africa , South Asia
- Habitat: Tropical forests, woodlands, savannas
- Diet: Fruits, nuts, seeds, insects
- Size: Body length around 20-25 cm
- They typically have a vibrant reddish-orange or chestnut-colored belly, which contrasts with their darker back and sides.
- The fur on their back and sides can range from grayish-brown to reddish-brown.
- They have a bushy tail that is often darker on top and lighter underneath.
- Pallas’s Squirrels are found in a variety of habitats, including tropical and subtropical forests, as well as urban parks and gardens.
- They are arboreal and spend most of their time in trees, where they forage for fruits, nuts, seeds, and occasionally insects.
- They are adaptable and can thrive in human-modified landscapes as long as suitable trees are present.
- They are diurnal, being active during the day and resting at night in tree hollows or leaf nests.
- They are agile climbers and use their sharp claws and long tail for balance while moving through the canopy.
Different species of Pallas’s Squirrels are found across various parts of Asia, including Southeast Asia, South Asia, and parts of East Asia.
- Their distribution can vary depending on the specific species within the Callosciurus genus.