Red Billed Starling

- Distribution: Found across parts of Asia and Europe, including countries like Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and into central Asia.
- Habitat: Open woodlands, grasslands, agricultural areas, urban parks.
- Diet: Omnivorous, feeding on insects, fruits, seeds, and occasionally small vertebrates.
- Size: Typically around 20-23 cm in length.
East Asia is home to the eye-catching red-billed starling (Spodiopsar sericeus), which is mostly found in China, Korea, and Japan. This medium-sized starling is distinguished by its dark wings and tail that contrast with its sleek, silvery-grey plumage. Its vivid red bill, which contrasts sharply with its plumage, is the most distinctive trait. Its unique look is further enhanced by a pale eye ring and a slightly forked tail.
The red-billed starling is a habitat hopper, as seen by its presence in open forests, agricultural regions, and urban settings. They are known to establish loose colonies and frequently nest in tree holes, rock crevices, or structures.
Due to their high degree of social interaction, these birds are usually seen in flocks, especially when the breeding season is over. They eat a wide variety of foods, including fruits, seeds, insects, and sometimes leftover human food.
Red-billed starlings are widespread across their range, although they still suffer difficulties due to habitat loss and altered farming methods. But in many places, their ability to adapt has allowed them to maintain stable numbers. These birds are a lovely sight in both urban and natural environments because of their remarkable vocal abilities, which include a variety of calls and songs.