Uttar Pradesh - Ashoka tree

Common Name: Ashoka
Local Name: Ashoka
Scientific Name: Saraca asoca
Description: The Ashoka tree is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree that can reach heights of up to 20 meters. It has a straight trunk with smooth, dark gray bark. The leaves are compound, with several pairs of leaflets arranged alternately along a central axis. The leaflets are oblong and dark green in color. The tree produces clusters of bright orange-red or yellow flowers that are fragrant and attract bees and butterflies. The fruits are flat, oblong pods containing seeds.
Economic Importance:
Ornamental Value: Ashoka trees are cultivated for their ornamental flowers and foliage in gardens and parks.
Medicinal Uses: Various parts of the Ashoka tree, including the bark, flowers, and seeds, have been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for treating gynecological disorders, menstrual problems, and digestive issues.
Religious and Cultural Significance: The Ashoka tree holds religious significance in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is associated with love, fertility, and serenity and is often planted near temples and sacred sites.
Timber: The wood of the Ashoka tree is not extensively used commercially due to its small size, but it is occasionally used for making small handicrafts and agricultural implements.
Environmental Benefits: Ashoka trees contribute to environmental conservation by providing shade, enhancing biodiversity, and improving soil fertility