Chestnut Winged Starling

- Distribution: Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei).
- Habitat: Lowland forests, mangroves, plantations.
- Diet: Fruits, insects.
- Size: 19-21 cm length.
One species of starling in the Sturnidae family is the chestnut-winged starling (Onychognathus fulgidus). It is found all over the tropical rainforest of Africa.
With a characteristic glossy black body and notably long tail, it is the primary red-winged black starling found in lowland forests throughout its habitat. The skulls of females are less shiny and more gray than those of men. Frequently spotted in the canopy, particularly in or close to fruiting trees, where it occasionally forages among other starlings. gives off a two-part flying call that is whistled along with a combination of chuckles and harsh notes.