World For Nature

Chinese Green Tree Viper

Chinese Green Tree Viper


Physical Description:

  • Appearance: The Chinese Green Tree Viper has a vibrant green body, which provides excellent camouflage in its forest habitat. The belly is usually lighter, ranging from yellowish to whitish. Some individuals have reddish-brown or white markings along their bodies. The head is broad and triangular, distinct from the neck, and features the characteristic heat-sensing pits of pit vipers.
  • Size: Adults typically measure between 60 to 80 cm (24 to 31 inches) in length, though some can grow longer.
  • Tail: The tail is prehensile, which helps in climbing and maneuvering through trees and vegetation.


  • Status: The conservation status of the Chinese Green Tree Viper is not well-documented, but habitat loss due to deforestation and human encroachment may pose threats.
  • Protection: Conservation efforts should focus on habitat preservation and protecting forested areas from further destruction.


  • Ecological Role: As a predator, the Chinese Green Tree Viper plays an important role in controlling populations of small vertebrates, contributing to the ecological balance in its habitat.
  • Human Interaction: While its venom is potent and can cause significant pain, swelling, and tissue damage, bites to humans are rare. People should exercise caution and avoid handling or provoking these snakes.
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