World For Nature

Russell’s Viper

Russell's Viper (Daboia russelii)


Physical Characteristics

  • Size: Russell’s vipers are large and robust snakes, typically ranging from 1 to 1.5 meters (3.3 to 4.9 feet) in length, although some individuals can exceed 2 meters (6.6 feet).
  • Appearance: They have a thick body with keeled scales and a triangular-shaped head. Their coloration varies, but they often have a yellow, brown, or grayish-brown body with darker brown or black bands or spots along the length of their body.
  • Color: The body coloration is often a mix of lighter and darker shades, providing camouflage in their natural habitat.

Conservation Status

  • Threats: Russell’s vipers face threats from habitat loss, fragmentation, and persecution by humans due to fear or misunderstanding. They are also frequently killed for their skin and other body parts.
  • Conservation Efforts: Efforts to conserve Russell’s vipers include habitat protection, public awareness campaigns, and research initiatives to better understand their ecology and behavior.
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