Tamil Nadu – Common Emerald Dove

Common Name: Common Emerald Dove
Local Name: Maragadhappuraa (Tamil)
Scientific Name: Chalcophaps indica
Description: A medium-sized, stocky pigeon, often measuring 23–27 cm in length. The head and underparts are dark vinous pink, with a greyish lower belly, dark brown eyes, and a brilliant red beak. The back and wings are beautiful emerald green in hue. Males have a white patch on the border of their shoulders and a grey crown.
Distribution: Mangroves, farms, densely vegetated woodlands, and tropical forests are typical locations for this species. It is a ground-feeding bird that only seldom perches on trees for anything other than roosting.
Threats: Changes in their habitat due to anthropogenic factors may pose a threat to their population and distribution pattern.